Portainer is a simple management solution for Docker. Easily manage your Docker hosts and Docker Swarm clusters via Portainer web user interface.
filebrowser provides a file managing interface within a specified directory and it can be used to upload, delete, preview, rename and edit your files. It allows the creation of multiple users and each user can have its own directory. It can be used as a standalone app or as a middleware.
Træfik is a modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer that makes deploying microservices easy. Træfik integrates with your existing infrastructure components and configures itself automatically and dynamically.
As the name suggests Heimdall Application Dashboard is a dashboard for all your web applications. It doesn't need to be limited to applications though, you can add links to anything you like. Heimdall is an elegant solution to organise all your web applications. It’s dedicated to this purpose so you won’t lose your links in a sea of bookmarks. Why not use it as your browser start page? It even has the ability to include a search bar using either Google, Bing or DuckDuckGo.
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